Welcome to this very special food growing community garden located at 2380 Phillips Road, Sooke BC. Membership is on an annual basis and members are plot holders who have paid the membership fee every November and uphold the agreement throughout the season.
Lend a Hand
The gardens is an entirely volunteer run community. Being a member of a community garden means there are expectations that plot holders help out, however and whenever they can – by keeping shared spaces and paths cared for and being mindful of making shared aspects of the garden work for all – composting, taking garbage home, and being respectful of community garden property.
Please feel free to help however you like and here are examples:
Lend a Hand
The gardens is an entirely volunteer run community. Being a member of a community garden means there are expectations that plot holders help out, however and whenever they can – by keeping shared spaces and paths cared for and being mindful of making shared aspects of the garden work for all – composting, taking garbage home, and being respectful of community garden property.
Please feel free to help however you like and here are examples:
- Attend the Spring and Fall work bees
- Landscaping and maintenance
- Weeding and watering for the community plots
- Fruit tree gleaning in the autumn
- Helping with the Growing for Sooke program
- Decorative gardens by the gate and gazebo - weeding and watering as needed
2025 Plot Renewal
Absolute cut off date for plot renewal is December 15, 2024, as per the SCG guidelines. New this year - we are going paperless! Upon payment - cash, cheque or e-transfer, you agree to uphold the plot holder guidelines including the following deadlines:
Payment options - e-transfer to [email protected]
For cash or cheques made payable to: “Sunriver Community Gardens Society”, place in an envelope marked "Sunriver Community Gardens Society" and drop off in District of Sooke Regional Hall night drop box located outside the municipal hall on Otter Point Road.
Fees are due on November 30th. If we do not receive payment by this date, your plot will be given to someone on the waiting list.
Documents, Forms, and Map
There is a short waitlist to become a plot member and it is operated on a first come first serve basis. Usually we can accommodate all new gardeners within a growing season. If you'd like to add your name to the list please, contact us.
Absolute cut off date for plot renewal is December 15, 2024, as per the SCG guidelines. New this year - we are going paperless! Upon payment - cash, cheque or e-transfer, you agree to uphold the plot holder guidelines including the following deadlines:
- May 1: The plot must be cultivated and weeded. Plots will be reviewed by a council committee. Gardeners whose plots are a concern will be notified by phone and email. Gardeners have until May 31 to bring their plot into compliance.
- May 31: The plot must meet all guidelines including 70% food production and no weeds going to seed. If there has been no action on the plot by this date, the plot will be assigned to a wait list participant. There will be no refund of plot fees.
- June 30: Plots will be reviewed by a council committee to ensure there is 70% food production, produce is being harvested in a timely manner, and no weeds are going to seed. Gardeners not in compliance will receive a warning by phone and email.
- July 31: Gardeners that have received warnings and continue to fail to meet the guidelines will not be allowed to renew their plots the following season.
Payment options - e-transfer to [email protected]
For cash or cheques made payable to: “Sunriver Community Gardens Society”, place in an envelope marked "Sunriver Community Gardens Society" and drop off in District of Sooke Regional Hall night drop box located outside the municipal hall on Otter Point Road.
Fees are due on November 30th. If we do not receive payment by this date, your plot will be given to someone on the waiting list.
Documents, Forms, and Map
There is a short waitlist to become a plot member and it is operated on a first come first serve basis. Usually we can accommodate all new gardeners within a growing season. If you'd like to add your name to the list please, contact us.

Where exactly is Sunriver Gardens?
The garden is located at 2380 Phillips Road near Sunriver Drive
How do I get a plot in the garden?
Plots are assigned to new members as they become available, and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. When all spots are filled, a waiting list will be created. Please contact us to request a plot.
I’ve never had a garden before. Does that matter?
Not at all! Everyone is welcome at Sunriver Gardens, and it is a great place to develop your green thumb and to learn from experienced gardeners.
Are there any volunteer opportunities available in the garden?
Yes. Even if there are no individual plots available, you can participate in special garden projects or in maintaining the common garden areas.
What does my annual plot fee buy?
Each garden member is assigned a plot. There are water taps and hoses for each section of the garden. Members also have access to garden tools on a first-come, first-served honour system. Compost, soil enhancers (i.e. manure), mentorship and friendships also included!
What are the responsibilities of plot holders?
Plot holders are expected to maintain their individual plots, as well as volunteer to help maintain the gardens. A successful garden plot is a significant time commitment, so make sure you have the time to dedicate to your garden.
Do I have to live in the Sunriver Gardens neighbourhood?
Members can come from any part of the Sooke region.
What can I grow in my plot?
As an allotment garden member, you are required adhere to the user agreement, which includes growing at least 70% organic produce on your plot, what you grow must not impact your neighbour by shade, pesticide, invasive weeds or unwanted irrigation. Complete guidelines can be found in the user agreement.
More questions?
Contact us
Where exactly is Sunriver Gardens?
The garden is located at 2380 Phillips Road near Sunriver Drive
How do I get a plot in the garden?
Plots are assigned to new members as they become available, and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. When all spots are filled, a waiting list will be created. Please contact us to request a plot.
I’ve never had a garden before. Does that matter?
Not at all! Everyone is welcome at Sunriver Gardens, and it is a great place to develop your green thumb and to learn from experienced gardeners.
Are there any volunteer opportunities available in the garden?
Yes. Even if there are no individual plots available, you can participate in special garden projects or in maintaining the common garden areas.
What does my annual plot fee buy?
Each garden member is assigned a plot. There are water taps and hoses for each section of the garden. Members also have access to garden tools on a first-come, first-served honour system. Compost, soil enhancers (i.e. manure), mentorship and friendships also included!
What are the responsibilities of plot holders?
Plot holders are expected to maintain their individual plots, as well as volunteer to help maintain the gardens. A successful garden plot is a significant time commitment, so make sure you have the time to dedicate to your garden.
Do I have to live in the Sunriver Gardens neighbourhood?
Members can come from any part of the Sooke region.
What can I grow in my plot?
As an allotment garden member, you are required adhere to the user agreement, which includes growing at least 70% organic produce on your plot, what you grow must not impact your neighbour by shade, pesticide, invasive weeds or unwanted irrigation. Complete guidelines can be found in the user agreement.
More questions?
Contact us